Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Garden Plot Update

Here's what the garden plot looked like yesterday. Considerable growth in less than a month. I have noticed, as many other gardeners I'm sure have, the tomatoes I have in containers at home have a little more height and just seem more vigorous. I'm sure it's because those in pots have warmed up quickly while the ones in the ground needed a little more time to get toasty. They seem to be catching up rather quickly, however.

Here's an Early Girl from the same six-pack that is thriving in a container at home. A small pot of basil started from a packet of Renee's Garden seeds is nestled below. The variety is Profumo di Genova and it is labeled a "Specialty Basil." The packet described it as an Italian import bred for basil flavor without minty/clove overtones, its compact shape and good disease resistance. The package goes on to boast: "Fancy European greengrocers offer pots of dense, leafy Profumo di Genova at the front of their market stalls so cooking gardeners can take it home and enjoy a regular supply of its spicy, fragrant leaves." The description made it too enticing to pass up, since I won't be taking that European vacation to the Italian Riviera this summer after all. Kudos to the copywriter at Renee's. I was instantly transported to an open-air farmer's market and could practically hear the sounds of a bustling crowd clamoring to spend their Euros on the best basil available. Instead, for about three American dollars I hope to enjoy some wonderful pesto later this summer from the comfort of my own patio while sipping a phenomenal Italian wine. I better start sampling vintages now to find just the right one.

In the foreground are on the left, some cilantro started from seed next to a Purple Coneflower I picked up for $1.99 at the Natural Foods Co-op.

1 comment:

Angela Pratt said...

Everything's looking good!